Member-only story
The Evolution of the Toxic Woman
I’m tired of defending men who don’t know any better, and I’m tired of asking women to communicate freely without judgement.
This isn’t what you think it is. I’m not a woman bashing woman. I love women. But some of us have got to get a grip.
I joined one of those “Are We Dating the Same Guy” groups on Facebook when my dating journey began. This group at first served as a helpful tool, but as time went on, more and more women in the group seemed more jaded than helpful. Instead of giving advice they said things like “dump his ass” “you’re too good for him” “all men are trash so what’s another in the dumpster fire” and “you’re better off alone.”
These comments are posted daily for desparate-for-advice women to read and decipher and yes, everything should be taken with a grain of salt… but what happened to actual, productive, communicative advice.
Why do we no longer think men need to be taught how to treat us and why don’t we give them the grace to learn?
One comment in particular stuck out to me. The scenario is this:
“My boyfriend of 2 months doesn’t have more free time in his week with kids and work and can only spend about 2 full days with me, usually a weekend sleepover at one of our houses. This is every week, but I want to see him more often. What should I do?”